CAVMEN - Chicago Area
                      VM (and Linux) Enthusiasts

"Barney Rubble" Award Recipients

For outstanding achievement in contributions to CAVMEN and the Chicago area VM user community:

1990 Michael R. Walter For serving as leader, and effectively coordinating all of the activities of the group for many years.
1991 Dean C. Williams For helping form CAVMEN, for maintaining the address list and creating meeting notices for many years, and for continuing to provide motivation and direction to the group.
William P. Scully For chairing the Free-for-All period for many years, for his unique wit and style, and for his outstanding efforts as "Systems Programmer Advocate" in dealing with vendor products.
1992 Milton Henn For mailing out meeting notices for many years, and for taking the time and effort to host an annual meeting and tour of his company's facilities (Miller Brewing) in Milwaukee.
Gerhard J. Weinhold For providing outstanding technical presentations, technical support, and assistance to our members over the years.
1993 Mark J. Phillips For serving as permanent meeting coordinator and producing meeting notices for many years.
Roger D. Deschner For helping to organize CAVMEN, for frequently volunteering to speak, for providing meeting facilities, often at a moments notice, and for always being willing to providing assistance to members.
1994 James O'Leary For providing CAVMEN members with free access to a VM system (UICVM), including E-Mail facilities, our own LISTSERV, and access to the Internet.
2003 Michael A. Cernak For helping found the group, for serving as leader of the group for several years, coordinating and scheduling meetings, and FAXing meeting notices during that period, and for continuing to help provide direction for the group.
Mark M. Suchecki For serving as leader of the group for many years, for coordinating and scheduling meetings, for providing meeting notice FAXes and E-Mails, and for maintaining the address list and creating and maintaining the CAVMEN Web site.
2004 Pamela L. Christina For contributing to the overall success of the CAVMEN group by recommending topics and speakers, for providing speakers and general assistance to the group (often at the last minute), and for providing prizes and merchandise for raffles.

CAVMEN would like to express our gratitude to the following members and member companies that have provided meeting site facilities and refreshments for an extended period:

Mark Phillips - American Agricultural Insurance Company
Mike Walter - Aon Hewitt